Juke always liked and enjoyed physics,
spending a lot of his time studying that
interest, but actually never finishing
college because of their high expectations.
Instead she tried to gain experience at
farming and selling handmade boots
(while being in the countryside, later
they would move to the city).
Sometimes they feel things that seem to
be indesriptible, like the feeling of
not living in a house, and instead
being the house itself.


  • Age: 27
  • Birthday: February 4th
  • Swears a lot
  • Lies a lot
  • Nervous person
  • Collects socks
  • Worth Mentioning: Afraid of synthesizers

Isaac is a lot of stuff he doesn´t seem
to be. For example, he knows a lot about
computer stuff and all the scientific
names of diseases, plus the fact that he
knows the world very well.
Even if he seems to not take things
seriously (making Juke mad for that reason),
he´s a friendly person; he likes to be around
Juke, hangs out with Aralia most of the time,
and enjoys sleeping next to Boris. He cares a
lot about his friends.
Isaac put Boris´ boxers once and somehow that gave
him some magic knowledge.


  • Age:26
  • Birthday: November 21th
  • Has a cold almost all the time
  • Clueless
  • Sleeps a lot
  • Worth Mentioning: He´s also a computer virus

Boris has to let their nails grow, because
(we don´t know why) that´s his source of
magic, like a wand or something. They can
get pissed off easily, and doesn´t talk
very much since he´s very busy being at
trippy places where the only human being
who can find him is Isaac.
wizard who back in the day did a failed spell
which resulted in their entirely human eyes being
cat-like eyes.


  • Age:29
  • Birthday: December 25th
  • Doesn´t feel cold nor warm
  • Doesn´t sleep
  • Can turn themselves into animals
  • Likes sweet stuff
  • Worth Mentioning: the design of his cape is based on the
    carpet from a cinema near my house

Aralia is very good at writing poetry and
knows a lot about music stuff, so it likes
spending her time in those interests.
Isaac is its best friend, but he´s sometimes
like too high so she feels like he´s not paying
attention to her, even if he actually is. She´s
a very sensitive person and has a high sense of
justice, but not many know that.
It constantly goes to the "old" streets with Isaac
and do stuff there.


  • Age:28
  • Birthday: December 13th
  • Dresses like a grandma in her youth
  • Actually she´s the only one who takes things seriously
  • Has mantis features
  • Wine aunt personality
  • Can easily grow a garden
  • Moody
  • Worth Mentioning: It can turn into a giant